Wednesday 14 December 2011

The story we will never hear.

David and Goliath, Caravaggio


CNN(Cerb National Network) reporters from the centre of Ontario state that many Americans gathered to protest against Yugoslavian imperialism burning at the same time the flag with the red star. Indeed ,after the failure of the negotiations an American officer claimed that the historic Texas is not negotiable,no yugoslavian military base will be built there. 

On the other hand,the fifth navy fleet of the serbs is already heading to hawaii(possible targets Sacramento,L.A.California).Ground troops of the Afgan 7th division bomb Austin.It is true that the majority of the countries in slobOTAN* alliance support the: ''iron tiger(!)'' operation. In the meanwhile,English students in N.Delhi burn the serb flag,a Turkish guerrilla set himself on fire in Damaskus,Italian girl raped by a Somali soldier in Rome and a Russian autonomist fires against Chechenian and Finnish tanks with his Uzi.Unofficial information reassure that the bomber inthe yesterday terrorist attack in downtown Cypriot city of Ammohostus was Jude M., an Israeli citizen. 

Additionally, an Australian tribal chief stabbed the general of Maori Australian Army and a rebel Chinese pissed on the Tibetan temple in Shanghai (sent into exile by Dalai-Lama). No better things are going on in Africa. ''White British Anarchy'', this ruthless terroristic organisation declared that the Homeland will never accept black invaders. Finally, in Manila aFrenchman crusified himself because of the nuclear tests of Eastern Timor outside Bordeaux in the Mediterranean. 

The world is on fire. PAX SERBIANA WON'T STAND ANY LONGER.FREE PEOPLE OF THE WORLD UNITE. The third is coming...The last one... 

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